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John Schibi

Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Planning and structuring your business to prepare for the future is essential. Having a little proactivity can help you grow. One of the most important factors that businesses should prioritize is their sales.  There are various effective ways to do this, and we'll...

Promoting From Within Your Company

Promoting From Within Your Company

Before the start of the 21st century, businesses had a relatively easy time finding and retaining talented employees. However, since then, the number of workers who quit their jobs has increased significantly. In 2021 over 47.4 million individuals left their jobs;...

Leading Effective Meetings

Leading Effective Meetings

Humans have been meeting in small groups or tribes for thousands of years to discuss various important matters. These gatherings are usually held to discuss the importance of family, business, and other communal issues. Despite technological advancements throughout...

Building a Professional Portfolio

Building a Professional Portfolio

A work portfolio is a collection of samples showing your skills and capabilities to potential employers. People can create one online or create one using a website. People can create work portfolios to show their skills and capabilities to potential employers. They...

Qualities of a True Leader

Qualities of a True Leader

Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes. Whether you've stepped into a leadership position at work or you're looking to make a difference in your current team, there are a lot of things that you should keep in mind when becoming the best leader you can be. Below are...

How to Build a Strong Team

How to Build a Strong Team

Even the most successful entrepreneurs bring their ideas into reality without the help of a team. There's too much work to be done by just one person. A dynamic team working together to create a successful business plan is essential.  A strong team is also crucial for...

How to Build Your Professional Network

How to Build Your Professional Network

Networking often feels like a full-time job on top of your full-time job. Yet it is an essential part of professional development. When done right, networking can open the door to new possibilities, create beneficial relationships, and build avenues for information...